It is a form of Stereotactic radiosurgery where the total dosage of radiation is sub-divided into several smaller doses given over the course of treatment instead of single treatment as in SRS . Dr. Sayan Paul uses SRT as part of an overall treatment plan for brain cancer and other brain disorders.

How does Stereotactic Radiation Therapy Work

Like other types of radiation therapy, SRT does not require the removal of the tumour. Instead, SRT causes the tumour to shrink by causing extensive damage to the cancerous cells, preventing it from growing. According to Dr. Paul, considered to be the best radiation and clinical oncologist in Kolkata, the damage to the cancerous cells caused by this therapy produces results in just a few months, as shown by shrinkage of the mass.
SRT involves thorough imaging with 3D digital treatment monitoring in order to deliver precise radiation dosage. Imaging allows the cancer doctor to find out the exact size and shape of the tumour for pinpoint treatment.

Which cancers can be treated with Stereotactic Radiation Therapy

This form of radiotherapy is primarily used for treating very small tumours and cancers that have not spread extensively, including:

• Brain Tumours( malignant and some benign )
• Vertebral bone metastasis

Planning for SRT

This radiation therapy requires extensive planning for the patient. During the planning appointment, the cancer specialist in Kolkata will take scans to find out:

• How much radiation should be delivered to the tumour
• The precise shape of the radiation beam that need to be used
• Where to send the radiation beams
• The number of treatments needed
• What kind of immobilization the therapy requires

After the planning appointment is complete, the oncologists will create the radiotherapy plan. They will refer to this plan each time the patient visits for SRT treatment.

What are the Benefits of SRT

• Painless, non-surgical, and non-invasive
• Suitable for well-defined small tumours, especially the ones close to healthy tissues and critical organs
• Can be utilized to treat small tumours in the brain, which are otherwise inoperable
• Usually completed in 2-8 treatments, unlike the longer-term traditional radiation regimens
• The treatments are delivered with extreme precision, minimizing the harmful side effects to the adjacent organs
• Can be availed as an outpatient treatment option

What are Its Side Effects

The side effects experienced by patients depend upon the area of your brain that has been treated, along with the dosage of radiation therapy given, says Dr. Paul. In most cases, individuals will experience short-term side effects that are commonly associated with SRT.

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